For updates on how the U.S tariffs impact the Vaughan business community, visit

Vaughan at a Glance

Looking for data on Vaughan to make data-driven business decisions?

Explore information on Vaughan’s economy including population, real Gross Domestic Product (GDP), employment, business counts and building permits. Or have an in-depth look at the profile of Vaughan including demographics, dwellings, commuting, education, languages and immigration.

Vaughan Economic Development also provides research on national, provincial, regional, and local economic trends relevant to your business and sector. Our business intelligence services include data analysis, market research, and the provision of data to support business operations, expansion, and workforce development. To learn more, connect with us.


Key Economic Indicators

Census Insights

This report is best viewed on a laptop computer or bigger

Qlik Sense Quick Start Guide

We are using Qlik Sense to display large amounts of data. To get the most out of it, here are some tips…

Navigate with Tabs

Each dashboard has multiple tabs with different topics.


The tabs are visible in the bottom left corner of the dashboard. Click on a tab to jump to that topic.

Interact with Graphs and Charts

Hover over a data point to show more information

Select and De-Select

Click on individual bars, pie slices, etc to filter. CTRL + click to select multiple.


Click the x at the top to remove selected filters.