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Talent City Vaughan Grant Recipient Profile – KNSC

Talent City Vaughan is a first-of-its-kind municipal workforce development initiative that supports purpose-driven training initiatives across Vaughan. The 2024 cohort of grant recipients offers a host of in-demand training programs for Vaughan residents and employees of Vaughan-based businesses – like Kleinburg Nobleton Soccer Club‘s Youth Coach Development program!

The Program

The Kleinburg Nobleton Soccer Club (KNSC) has seen a rise in demand for children’s programs at the same time as a decline in availability of volunteers to support increased programming. This shift has inspired the need to train and employ young coaches. Our KNSC Coach Development program . provides new coaches  Canada/Ontario Soccer Grassroots Certification Courses, with the support of Talent City Vaughan. The new coach receives all age- and stage-appropriate training and certifications to meet their role’s requirements. The training starts in May and continues until October to support the delivery of programs for children of all age



The Kleinburg Nobleton Soccer is a not-for-profit soccer club serving the Kleinburg community since 1993. The KNSC offers recreational and competitive soccer programs, leagues and camps throughout the year for players from U3 to adult levels. The KNSC vision is to continue building a sustainable organization by improving all aspects of our club on an ongoing basis. We strive to inspire our players to be the best they can be and allow each to achieve their fullest potential by developing and preparing them for the future, both on and off the field. We will continue to focus on the longevity of a player’s development instead of short-term results or success. The KNSC’s mission is to promote and encourage youth to participate in the game of soccer and foster sportsmanship by developing soccer players and responsible citizens.

The success of the KNSC Coach Development program is made possible by the support and funding of the Talent City Vaughan program. Many new coaches in this program acquire new skills and certifications to assist them in their new career paths. The KNSC employs approximately 90% of the new coaches who undergo the training program, contributing positively to the City of Vaughan’s economy and community.

Are you a non-profit organization that offers upskilling or reskilling training? You can apply for a grant of up to $10,000 to run training programs for Vaughan residents or employees of Vaughan-based businesses. To learn more about Talent City Vaughan click the button below!