Better Your Business- Last20


Last20 has made the decision to commit to contributing business practices and activities that respond to the Sustainable Development Goals as issued by the United Nations. The following is a list of the 17 goals outlined by the UN, and how we plan to commit practices that best meet those goals.

In addressing this goal, we commit to expanding our markets in the Global South and other countries where dusty roads impact on local residents health and the ability to travel. Our plastic-infused asphalt products contribute to stronger infrastructure in these countries allowing for increased mobility and job opportunities that require work-to-home commuting.

Goal 2: Zero Hunger - United Nations Sustainable Development

Our company is committed to building better roads to facilitate agricultural transportation. Better roads means a more abundant and more frequent delivery of crops to the marketplace. This, in turn, provides more food accessibility for more people.

Health - United Nations Sustainable Development

In times of a pandemic or epidemic, we commit to following all government guidelines and restrictions for the protection of our staff and customers. We assist staff who may require support in recovery from addictions, mental health issues, and other related health issues should they arise. We also aim for inclusivity of all people by making provisions for those with limited accessibility.

Education - United Nations Sustainable Development

We provide quality education courses and seminars online through podcasts and our partnership with Enactus World Cup educational video on plastics.

United Nations: Gender equality and women's empowerment

Our hiring practice affords full opportunities to men and women. Currently, we strive to have equal representations of both genders in our a staff. As a corporate policy, we provide equal opportunities for both men and women in all our employment areas.

Water and Sanitation - United Nations Sustainable Development

In addition to providing a drinking fountain dispensing clean drinking water free of charge for our staff and customers, we also provide access to clean and sanitary washrooms on site for all staff and customers.

Affordable and Clean Energy - Wellesley Institute

Our commitment to using affordable and clean energy extends to our selection of engineering partners who use solar panels in building our roads. We endeavour to partner with other similar companies who adhere to the SDGs and use affordable and clean energy in their practices.

Goal 8 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs

We aim to build our community’s economic growth through a series of employment programs that prioritize skills training and employment opportunities for youth and those with learning disabilities in our marketing department. We provide training and education in the areas of resume creation and how to work with a start-up company. Moreover, our organization values autonomy and is willing address flexible work hours to better serve family needs.

Sustainable Development Goal 9 - Wikipedia

Our company is committed to innovative ways of working with plastic waster. Last20 was created in response to the plastic waste and climate crisis. Our team understands the complexity of this issue and we recognize the importance of upcycling for businesses and individuals. In addition to adding plastic waster to our road-building materials, we incorporate plastic waste into the shirts, so sourced materials that upcycle waste plastic bottles into the fabric for a customer to wear instead of them ending up in our landfills and oceans – exactly six plastic bottles.

Sustainable Development Goal 10 - Wikipedia

We commit to improving dangerous, faulty, or difficult or traverse dirt roads in the Global South primarily, but also in any other country that may need them. By doing so, this corporate goal reducing inequalities in communities by granting easier access to all residents. Improving infrastructure in this and other ways reducing inequalities for all. We will consider hiring local as well as incorporating special efforts to hire refugees.

Sustainable Development Goal 11 - Wikipedia

Through our plastic road program, we are directly contributing to making all cities and communities more resilient and sustainable. We completed our first batch trial test of our plastic pavement solution in Brantford, Ontario, Canada with our strategic partners – CTA Lab, King Paving, Gedco and our proprietary waste plastic source to upcycle over 600 lbs of waste into sustainable pavement. We will continue to monitor the ongoing impacts of our solution.

Sustainable Development Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

We practice responsible consumption and production through a series of lab tests aimed to determine the environmental impact of our plastic roads to the land and soil on which we build them. We also support this goal by providing knowledge dissemination of responsible consumption and production through our website and social media channels.

Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action

We commit to supporting climate action groups such as the UNFCCC and its Youth Climate Report programs through social media subscriptions and website links and information postings.

Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water

We commit to repurposing plastic waster through our innovative approach to manufacturing road-building material and clothing. This novel approach to using plastic waste is instrumental in reducing the amount of plastic that may otherwise find its way to the world’s oceans.

Sustainable Development Goal 15 - Wikipedia

We commit to recycling all waste products and use only environmentally-friendly materials. We reduce our use of paper through moving most of our paperwork to paper-free digital platforms. We also participate in local forest clean-up programs.

Sustainable Development Goal 16 - Wikipedia

We support community law enforcement programs and institutions through donations and social media information and announcement sharing.

Sustainable Development Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

We are committed to partnering with companies who share our commitment to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Some of our partners in this regard include the City of Vaughan, City of Yonkers, Wilfrid Laurier University, and Enactus. We continue to prioritize partnerships with business that adhere to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.