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Vaughan Business Café

Have you ever had a question that you wish you could ask another entrepreneur or business leader?  

Diverse connections are at the core of innovation and company growth. This is why the City of Vaughan is excited to announce a new way that entrepreneurs, small business owners and corporate partners can connect to ask questions, share ideas and form new professional relationships.

How Does the Vaughan Business Café Work?

  • You’ll receive a monthly introduction to a fellow member based on your interests and goals.
  • Suggest a time to chat, in person, at a coffee shop or online from the comfort of your home, to share your advice and experience.
  • Once you join, all introductions are sent directly to your inbox with your match’s email, so you don’t need to use another tool!

Connect with Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs in Vaughan

  • Join the online community and get matched with business experts.
  • Find a mentor or strategic partner.
  • Become a mentor and share your expertise.
  • Engage and share ideas to help your business grow.

Register online for the Vaughan Business Café.